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Basic ATM Parts That You Should Have on Hand

When a person steps up to an ATM machine they do not want to act like they are playing a slot machine at a casino. They expect the machine to work properly and they want to get money from the machine. There is nothing worse for a person to try to use a machine only to find out it is out of order.

There are many reasons that an ATM machine is not working. Often times the machine is out of order because it one of the basic parts is not working. Fixing an ATM machine that is out of order can be a relatively quick and easy process. The only reasons that many machines stay out of order for a long time is the operator does not have the basic ATM parts they need to keep the machine running. A smart owner will have a few basic ATM parts to make sure that their machines are always available for the customers.

  • Receipt Paper – This may not always mean the machine is not going to work. It may be possible for people to use a machine that is out of paper, but it is not what many people prefer. Not only should the ATM owner have plenty of receipt paper on hand for their machines, they should also have a plan to replace it before it runs out.
  • Rollers – The roller is the ATM part that allows the cards to go in and out of a machine and also control the dispensing of the cash from the machine. If the rollers are not working properly the machine will stop working. Regular maintenance of the machine should include cleaning of the rollers. If they are worn down, they need to be replaced. It is always best to replace them before they break.
  • Card reader – This is the ATM part that is able to take the necessary information from the card. When it stops working, the machine stops working. It is one of the more common parts to break down and that is why it should be kept on hand.
  • ATM screen – Depending on the type of machine and the way that it is used, this part may or may not be needed on hand. If a person has several ATM machines that re similar, this part should be kept in stock. If they do not, the part number and the place to get one from should be readily available.