Manufacturers of long life, high quality atm parts, magnetic heads and rollers
OR +1 619 470 2650

Quote Request Form

To receive a free quote for the ATM parts shown on our web sites please fill out the form below.

If you need either an ATM or POS magnetic card reader head not shown on our websites please use this form to provide us with a picture or drawings. Even better, you can use this form to arrange for sending a head assembly as an example of your requirement. EMC can produce head assemblies to meet the quality requirements you define from either your samples or from specification control drawings.

Name :
Company :
City :
Country :
Email :
Phone :
Product Interested In :
Quantity :
Time frame for ordering : Now
30 - 60 Days
3 - 6 Month
Message :

EMC looks forward to establishing a successful partnership with your company working with your staff to deliver high quality magnetic head assemblies making it easier for you to meet your product cost/performance goals.